Covid Gene Therapy: The Impact on Military Readiness Toxic Agent Exposure

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Dr. Crisanna Shackelford joins us for an informative discussion on the implications of mandated toxic gene therapy on the men and women of the armed services.

Dr. Shackelford (Shack) has over 32 years of combined Active Duty Navy and Department of Defense (DOD) Federal Service. She has dedicated her career to national security, intelligence, warfare, strategic planning, and public policy. Following her ‘coerced’ retirement from DOD due to her staunch ethical and scientific opposition to DOD COVID policies, and armed with a deep understanding of the inner workings of the DOD, both regarding defense biologics policies and their impact on the workforce, she seamlessly transitioned from wargaming and nonlinear warfare to recognizing critical links between health crises and national security. With a keen understanding of global integrated threats and their interdependencies among state, non-state, and supranational actors, she passionately advocates for medical freedom. Shack comprehends the profound implications for both individual rights and global stability. Connect with Shack at @DrC_Shackelford on X where you can find her work on Redefining Defense Readiness and at @RealReactionsNP on X for her advocacy for the vaccine injured.

Please join us Tuesday, May 21 8 p.m. EST

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